Do you need a lasting power of attorney?

Yes, they are essential protection if anything happens to you and you cannot make decisions for yourself.

Can I revoke or cancel my Will?

A Will is cancelled or revoked by any of the following:

  • You destroy it deliberately.
  • A new Will is made.
  • Marriage generally nullifies a Will.
How can I amend my Will?

With us or by drawing up a new Will.

What is a “residue”?

Is the money left after debts and accounts are settled.

What if your property is held as tenants in common?

If you’re Joint Tenant, then property passes to joint owner. If you are Tenants in Common, your share passes to immediate family or as designated by Will.

Can I leave gifts to people without a will?

No, you need a Will to leave gifts to friends or charity.

Who can be my Executors?

Anyone mentally capable over 18 years old. Usually a family member or trusted friend. It is best to appoint a trusted person who you feel could do the job. Best to speak to them first; you should have a minimum of one and maximum of four.

What is an Executor?

A person named in the Will appointed to carry out your wishes.

Do I need to appoint Guardians?

If you have children under the age of 18, you should appoint a Guardian. You can only do this in a Will.

What is a Guardian?

A nominated individual in the Will who will look after children under 18 years old.

If your question is not answered here then please contact us and we will answer your query as quickly as possible.